What is involved in a Surveyor’s Real Property Report?

For your protection, a trained and licensed Ontario Land Surveyor is the only individual who can legally prepare a Surveyor’s Real Property Report. A valid Surveyor’s Real Property Report must bear the original signature and embossed seal of the Ontario Land Surveyor preparing the report. In all cases the Ontario Land Surveyor will undertake the following tasks in the preparation of the Surveyor’s Real Property Report:

A search of title of the subject and abutting properties

A search of pertinent encumbrances registered against the title of the subject property

A field survey to determine the actual dimensions of the property, the location of improvements, and the setting of corner markers

An analysis of research and field data

The preparation of the plan illustrating the results of the field survey and the title search

The preparation of a written report providing the surveyor’s opinion about any contentious issues that may have been found during the survey

